Need Faster Internet? Try These 9 Wi-Fi Signal Boosting Hacks


Need Faster Internet Try These 9 Wi-Fi Signal Boosting Hacks

Supercharge Your Internet Connection: 9 Essential Tips for Wi-Fi Signal Boosting

  • Does your Wi-Fi signal need a boost?

Nowadays, a majority of individuals utilize Wi-Fi within their households for internet access, streaming their preferred movies and TV shows, and connecting their intelligent devices.

Here are some suggestions to improve the strength of your Wi-Fi signal.

Although it may be challenging to find a better option than Wi-Fi for staying connected, it can become quite frustrating when the signal is weak. This frustration intensifies as we connect more devices.

In this article, we will discuss various methods you can try to enhance the Wi-Fi signal within your residence.

9 Ways To Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal

Authored by the team on January 5, 2024.

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Does your Wi-Fi signal need a boost?

Nowadays, a majority of individuals utilize Wi-Fi within their households to connect to the internet, stream their preferred movies and TV series, and link their smart gadgets.

Here are some useful pointers to improve the strength of your Wi-Fi signal.

Although Wi-Fi is extremely convenient for staying connected, it can be irritating when the signal is weak. This problem becomes even more significant as we connect more devices.

This article will discuss various methods you can use to enhance the Wi-Fi signal within your household.

Consider a Mesh-Based System

1. Reboot Your Modem and Router

Reboot Your Modem and Router

Turning router power off

To enhance your Wi-Fi signal strength, begin by implementing the simplest action. Just as restarting your computer can resolve performance problems, rebooting your modem and wireless router may solve weak Wi-Fi signal issues.

Just like any technical task, there is a correct method and an incorrect method to do it. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the instructions provided by the manufacturer and refer to the advice mentioned here.

2. Find the Best Spot for Your Router

Find the Best Spot for Your Router

Placing router in position

When attempting to enhance your Wi-Fi signal, it is important to consider the location of your router. Typically, the distance between your router and the devices connected to it directly affects the strength of the signal, with a weaker signal being observed when there is a greater distance.

It's best to position your router in a central spot within your house so that you can easily access it no matter where you are with your mobile devices. If you mainly use Wi-Fi to stream content to televisions in your house, having the router located near those TVs will be advantageous.

Some additional measures that may be beneficial include ensuring the router is positioned at a higher location and avoiding its proximity to other electronic devices.

3. Make Sure Your Router Is Updated

It is advisable to install the latest version of your computer's operating system and update your router to ensure security and optimal performance.

If you haven't ever updated your router's firmware, it could be the reason behind the problems you're facing with your Wi-Fi connection. The method of updating varies depending on the router model, but you should be able to locate the instructions for updating on the manufacturer's website. This article provides a thorough explanation of what the updating process entails.

4. Secure Your Signal

Ensuring the security of your wireless network is important as it safeguards you against potential harm and prevents others from unlawfully utilizing your valuable bandwidth. If your signal is accessed by neighbors or random individuals passing by, it diminishes the amount of bandwidth accessible to you.

Here are some tips for ensuring the safety and security of your home Wi-Fi network.

Ensure that you are tuning in to a frequency with no interference.

If you reside in a highly populated region, there is a possibility that your Wi-Fi connection might be affected by overcrowding. If you and the people living near you are utilizing the same channel for their routers, it can negatively impact the performance of everyone's Wi-Fi signals.

Many routers are configured to automatically select the least congested channel, however, this is not always the case. To check if your router is set to "automatic," access the administration interface. If this option is available and not currently selected, choose it. If your router does not offer this option, you will have to manually change the channel. Further instructions can be found on PCMag.

Check to see if there are any applications using up a significant amount of your internet connection's bandwidth.

Various applications consume varying amounts of bandwidth, and if multiple bandwidth-intensive apps are simultaneously running, the overall performance will significantly decline.

Many routers are equipped with a feature called Quality of Service (QoS) tools, which enable you to regulate the amount of bandwidth consumed by different applications. These tools allow you to prioritize specific apps over others. For instance, if you wish to ensure uninterrupted streaming of a major sports event while your children are playing online games, you can give higher priority to your streaming service compared to their device's browser.

7. Use 5GHz at Short Ranges

If you own a router that supports "dual band," you can choose to connect to either the 2.4GHz band or the 5GHz band. Opting for the 5GHz band is generally recommended as it offers better performance due to less usage and interference compared to the more commonly used 2.4GHz band.

The important thing to note here is that the 5GHz signal doesn't travel as far and is not as good at penetrating obstacles compared to the 2.4GHz band. Therefore, it is not a good choice for devices that are located far away from the router or separated by multiple walls. To understand more about the distinctions between the 2.4 and 5GHz bands, you can find further information here.

8. Get a Repeater/Booster/Extender

Get a RepeaterBoosterExtender

Wi-Fi extender

One more factor to take into account is the purchase of a product that will enhance your Wi-Fi signal. These devices are referred to as "repeaters," "boosters," and "extenders," but they all essentially perform the same function: they receive your Wi-Fi signal, amplify it, and then retransmit it from a separate location.

These devices are reasonably priced and especially beneficial for bigger residences or locations with numerous barriers. Currently, this website provides an excellent collection of the top options obtainable.

9. Consider a Mesh-Based System

One option that may be pricier but offers better coverage is to purchase a wireless mesh router system. These devices, recommended by financial expert connect-day Howard, can be placed strategically throughout your house to guarantee a consistently strong Wi-Fi signal in every room.

Be ready to spend $200-$300 on a system that can provide Wi-Fi coverage for a bigger home. This investment will be worthwhile as it guarantees a strong Wi-Fi signal and eliminates any concerns about weak connectivity.

  • Final Thought

The Wi-Fi situation for each person varies, so there isn't a single solution that works for everyone when dealing with a weak signal. If you're experiencing problems, try the free solutions mentioned earlier to see if they help improve the situation. If none of those solutions work, then you can consider spending money on a repeater or mesh system.

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